Monday, April 13, 2020

Getting it Right

Over the last several years I have been very reluctant to air my business in this very public place.  However, I know that a lot of information has been shared – much of it untrue or “skewed”.   I knew that it would be useless to try to answer every post, speculation, opinion and rumor or to try to defend or prove myself.  I felt the most effective way to show things for what they are was to just LIVE and be happy.

Some things are true – I have struggled nearly to death with mental illness, alcoholism and substance abuse.  I fled a marriage which had been toxic for many years.  I hurt and terrified my children.   There was a point almost 4 years ago where I simply could not be there for them.  Those who thought they knew me were shocked and appalled by how far and fast I fell. 

But today…today I am a survivor.  I have survived and am thriving! Happy!  I’ve made many mistakes over the years – some as a result of the chaos in my own mind, some fueled by fear, and some simply under the influence.  I will admit that I am so envious of sweet couples who are happy in their marriages.  I think to myself “how lucky you are!”   They like and care about each other then fall in love and then decide to spend their lives together. 

I got it backwards.  Marriage was a means to an end.  Too late I tried to make those bad choices and poor decisions fit into what they were meant to be.  Shocker! This does not work!  I was more in love with the idea of marriage and what was in it for me to love and LIKE the person I made promises to.
But today…today I know what it is to love my best friend.  The person who knows absolutely everything there is to know about me and vice versa – my weaknesses, strengths, fears, dreams – and here’s the best part! He actually LIKES me ANYWAY!  EUREKA! 

Over the past 3 ½ years I have come light years from the frail, fragile, terrified shell of a woman I was.  I can stand on my own two feet.  I’ve come to love the woman I actually am.  I am GREAT at my job.  I am an AWESOME mama.  And I make a pretty dang good wife!  My choices and mistakes have cost me “friends” and “family”.  But I have stopped worrying about what other people think about me or my life.  At the end of the day I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of who I am right this minute.  I am proud to have married David Cooper and am eager and excited to spend the rest of my life laughing with him.

May 25, 2013


the obvious result of earthquakes is devastation; the leveling of society, tsunami, loss of human life, loss of property.  In short, complete devastation of modern life.  Wikipedia says this:

"Tectonic earthquakes occur anywhere in the earth where there is sufficient stored elastic strain energy to drive fracture propagation along a fault plane."

Fracture...a good word.  Most often earthquakes are the result of the slightest movement deep inside the earth.  There is resistance & then a giving-way of forces which have stored up potential energy. My physics teacher defined potential energy as "something which has not happened yet"

Again, a good definition.

My son will meet his biological father tomorrow.

 Just a few short months ago this would have devastated me. This, though, is the result of some movements deep in the earth of my life...unseen and unfelt by those around me  The ramifications, however, are far-reaching.  This is the thing i feared most for a very long time.  I built my "life" on fear...worked very hard to protect myself from it and what it could do to me. A fracture waiting to happen...

 I am not afraid now, though the fracture that this initial contact caused are still being felt.  2 1/2 years ago i was contacted by the man who is my son's biological father.  We were married for a very short time and my precious son, Cameron, is the result of that union.  I had lived in fear of this reunion for nearly 13 years.  I had stored up great depths of potential energy in fear of that moment.  Like my physics teacher said potential energy is something "that hasn't happened yet"...i knew that it would one day

But they will meet tomorrow and i will not be there. 

The realization of this fear, the the re-building that i've had to do since are extreme. But it happened with barely a whisper

We can never know the moment a fracture happens....but everyone knows the impact. 

The quake happened deep inside the core of my being. I was alone when it happened. A simple Facebook contact and life as i knew it was over.  I have had to explain many things to many people...some true, some not.  But the most important has been to my son.  He will need to know, one day, how this simple event has changed everything for me & ultimately for him.

I am not afraid of the truth, of being myself.   I will no longer live in fear, in hiding.

I've taken back my life - it's nearly killed me at most, lost me what i thought was a reputation, diginity at least.  I do not expect anyone to understand or care why or when or who or how.  When the earth moves you do what you need to to survive.

But my son will be okay tomorrow and so will I.  So will I.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the violence of vomiting

i'm rung out. it can only be described as violent. the human body doing everything it can to rid itself of a toxin...a poison. mental, physical, spiritual. it clenches itself and will use every resource to see that every possible source of danger is gone.

how so is our soul? how so is our heart? how so is our mind? how violently do we vomit what is toxic to our innermost selves? we will destroy what is most precious to us with our words, with our faces, with our eyes, with our actions... it is all violent because we want to rid ourselves of what we believe to be toxic to us. we convulse and cramp and humiliate ourselves. everything inside us comes out. it doesn't matter what it is or where it came from or who it's for or what it will look like. it comes out all over whoever or whatever is standing there. to digest it would be to take it into ourselves and make it part of us...we would die then. we've died enough already. do not get in the way. do not ask us to make you a part of this. we can only go so far. we know our limits.

all over the porcelain god we expel the poison because we cannot digest stomach what we have taken in....what we have allowed ourselves to taste and enjoy if even for just a moment. it felt good. but now we are paying the price. the price we pay for getting rid of it is high. to rid our bodies and souls and spirits of the things we've taken into ourselves is is vomiting.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Asperger’s and M&M’s

So last Thursday on Grey's Anatomy, the new cardiothoracic surgeon and Dr. Bailey have an exchange on the elevator that goes like this:

Dr. Bailey "Excellent job today, Dr. Dickson, excellent...rule-following."

Dr. Dickson "I only have one real area of interest; the human heart. I love it. I like it's regularity; I know everything there is to know about it. I like it's predictability; it has rules. Every chamber has a function, every function has a movement. i like the color; it's comforting.Are you familiar with Asperger's Syndrome, Dr. Bailey?"

Dr. Bailey "Of course, 'significant impairment during social situations'."

and for one whole week now i've been chewing on that and today, as i'm laying in the tanning bed for my 10 minutes of UV therapy to combat yet another of the myriad of disorders with which i am afflicted (SAD or seasonal affective disorder), i have an epiphany for the title of my first blog EVER!

Yes, folks, welcome to the scary world of "crazy" inside this noggin of mine. Mostly i've just gotten tired of carrying it around with me and figured i'd spread the wealth a little bit - but also because i'm realizing that if i don't get at least some of it out, i'll scream. No, seriously. But as i'm listening to Mary McConnell talk about why she loves the human heart (after I've gotten over how much she's aged since Dances with Wolves) I'm thinking to myself, "That's me! I can totally relate to the order and symmetry of that. I used to line up all my M&M's by color before I ate them and get very upset if there was an uneven number/color in a bag. I mean REALLY upset." It doesn't bother me QUITE so much now, but it's taken a LOT of therapy. I'm completely serious. Think lined-up cans in Sleeping with the Enemy and you'll be pretty close to how it can be with me. I've mellowed a lot but I'll just be honest; procedure, straight lines and black and white makes me VERY happy and secure.

So, like i said i've been chewing on this for about a week now until today when i'm fake-baking the "blues" out of myself and i receive my revelation about blogging and come straight home and start looking up asperger's online. Turns out, Dr. Bailey hit it pretty much on the head with 'significant impairment during social situations'. My first thought to that, however, was not "That's me!". But after a lot of thought, i'm rethinking that evaluation a little bit and considering taking up cardiothoracic surgery. ;)

No, but seriously, i've been looking at my life and my circle of friends and how they react to me and how i act around them and how i act in certain, scratch that, ALL situations and there's just something that i do or don't do that, around most people, just doesn't click. I know this because I'm seeing it in my son now so I know it's a genetic thing. I find I'm telling him a lot more lately to "lighten up!" But I can't even lighten up!

We (the 4 of us) went out to dinner for Veteran's Day on Monday nite and we were all in a great mood; laughing, cutting up. Then for no reason at all in the middle of the meal, i got stuck on a really serious subject that HAD to be discussed RIGHT THEN with Bucky! We weren't arguing or anything but I was like a dog worrying on a bone and i just couldn't seem to let it alone. Sometimes (and it seems the older i get the more times) my own INTENSITY drives me INSANE! It's like everything is a BIG DEAL! And i simply do not have the ability to see anything except in black and white, up or down, left or right. Things come across so critical and judgmental but it's just that i simply can't understand any other way. It's a hyperfocus, a hyper intensity and it pushes people away.

I see it in my son and it hurts me for him because he can't stand being alone...neither can I, but I learned to get used to it since i never could quite say or do the right things and keep friends long enough to be part of a crowd. Now the only place that I feel where they truly "get" me is with my youth. Somehow, my sarcasm and sharp tongue and intensity are not offensive to them and they aren't put off by me. Other than that, i think i embarrass or shock people and they're not quite sure what to do with me.

So i've found that, for the most part, i'm more content (at least less conflicted) if i stay away from situations that tend to cause me 'significant impairment' and line up my M&M's...problem is, they don't stay around very long in this house anyway!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Smoke & Mirrors

So i'm learning the hard way that people do not like it when you begin to find your "true" self; it scares them. I've come to this realization through a very abrupt collision with the reality that, in many ways, i've been in an emotional coma for 14 years and the very ground i thought i was standing on was in fact quicksand; it had no substance, no solidity, no security, unsound. My very identity has been called into question and i am unsure of the world itself and my place in it.

But I am the one who was fearless, audacious; nothing was too scary for me. Confidence was my middle name. Center-stage was made for me. Microphone? Hand it here. Every side was my best side, nobody could tell me "you can't" or "you shouldn't". Those words were just fuel for my engine...nothing could stop me.

But this...this is almost more than i can bear. I am afraid of my own shadow. This is weakness. And what i see on the faces and hear in the voices (and worst of all the silences) is pity. As my pain and frustration and rage have come pouring out they have been replaced by this need to rebuild my sense of self. The confidence that i once had looks to me now like a paper-mache sculpture, an illusion, all smoke and mirrors. I am hollowed out.

I am desperate to find what is real and true about myself and to do that i am venturing out of this cage i've awakened to find i put myself in. I peek out and am terrified but i take a step or two. I begin to say how i feel and the things that i wish i could do, might do if i had the chance and someone nearby says "Oh! Be careful! Don't be irrational! Don't do something you'll regret! You know how you are right now."

Don't treat me like a child! Don't talk about me as if i'm going through a phase and hopefully i'll come to my senses soon and then we can all go back to our "normal" lives! What if i really do want to get a tatoo? What if i did get my nose pierced? What if i did cut all my hair off and dye it blonde, or red, or whatever?! Irrational? Maybe. But who said i can't want things that are irrational? There are a thousand things i would do right this minute if i could but i can't (or won't) because it's "unacceptable" or "unseamly" or "sinful" or "hurtful". It doesn't change the fact that i still want them.

But people can't handle this. They get scared when you start talking about going "outside the lines", especially when you have a history of being "unbalanced". It might mean that you won't behave properly anymore, that you might embarrass them or switch roles on them. Emotions are ugly and messy and being your true self means dropping the mask and saying what's true for you.

There are some things that are true for me that i want to say, that i will say, and that i can never say. If it looks like a phase, so be it. But what you see is what you get. I'm scared to death but i'm going to find out what fits for me and how i really feel. I'm going to remember what it is that i love, do that, and learn to be brave again. No smoke, no mirrors, no hiding.

this is my penance

so this, then, is my come to the end of this delusion and find that i am totally defenseless; humiliated before you. i have no weapon, no shield, no means of escape. i am at your mercy. you can turn, now, onto me the very arsenal i wielded on you and you will be justified in it. i offer up myself knowing full well that you should turn and walk away. i cannot even cry out. if you should unleash your fury on me i will hang my head and sink to my knees and allow it to wash over me and i will be silent. i will accept this punishment and receive it; for from that anger would come also redemption and that is the thing that would heal me. but the thing that i fear is that you will say nothing and merely walk away and that will be the worst punishment of all. because for you to keep locked away the force of your anger towards me...

if you should withold that from me it will be my penance.

i must endure this torment now and say nothing. i must bear knowing that you cannot release me. i must accept that your peace is the price i have to pay for what i've done. i must live with the understanding that those doors must remain closed; my peace is what now has to be sacrificed. i had my chance. i have my answers but my answer has not brought peace.

this is my penance.

just for a little while

i have to go away from here. just for awhile. i will find somewhere close-by and take my dog and maybe look at the ocean and write and sing and cry. there is no peace for me here, not right now...i cannot breathe. i have a journey to take but i cannot take it while i'm pulled so many directions. i need quiet. i need air. i need room. i've got to take it all out and look at it...these ghosts. i don't want to do it at all but it is time. it is here. i cannot run from this anymore. i will find a quiet place away from all the things that 'need' me, that pull at my attention and my heart. My heart is raw and my mind is distracted. i cannot think or feel in any way that makes sense. Memories and images and terrors and realizations are shrieking and diving and clawing at me and all at one time i see that everything i thought was real, all the things i had built my reality and my security on, none of it is true. There is a different reality that i can hardly bring myself to cannot be true. It has always been true.

i see now that i had given a face to that terror...but it was the wrong face, the wrong name. it was my own mind that had turned on me, i know now the instant it happened...had the physical description laid out for me. and in that instant everything i had ever believed about the world, about love, about my own mind shifted...from that moment on i began creating a new reality, one in which i had not lost my grip on sanity. one in which nothing could possibly be wrong with me. i gave IT the wrong name. i sacrificed everything in that instant for the sake of the illusion of control, sacrificed decency, sacrificed character, sacrificed future, sacrificed heritage, sacrificed love.

these ghosts haunt me now...i cannot quiet them. i beg them to forgive me. i know they cannot. i want desperately to try to explain, to rewrite it, to make it make sense. i know i never will. i wonder if those ghosts will visit me in my quiet place. come to scream, to condemn, to listen, to crucify, to forgive. But maybe they will allow me to make it right, to give back what i stole; and, with me, to condemn the Thing that lives in my mind and destroyed everything i had ever wanted. that Thing that i sacrificed blood for. maybe that Thing will show up and i can rage and scream and curse and condemn and crucify IT. IT is the thief. IT is the liar. IT is the abuser. but then again, wasn't i?

but, no, i am not!

IT was not me. i will show them if they let me. i was wrong, IT was wrong. i've got to finish the story. This part was left unresolved. I must make peace with the Thing and the ghosts and the woman i am now. I am leaving with two hearts...i can only come back with one. I'm coming. i will write it again and it will be the truth. i will leave nothing out. i will bleed and i will cry and i will be terrified and i will be brave and i will scream and i will plead and i will take and i will give back and i will demand and i will ask for and i will hate and i will love. but perhaps when i am done, these ghosts and i can live in peace. for we will have been healed.